1999.0088 STATUTES AND REGULATIONS AS APPROVED BY THE GOVERNOR [1855-1901] Creator(s): University Of Melbourne. Office Of The Registrar [-] UM353. This accession is comprised of Statutes and Regulations as approved by the Governor, 1856-1901 [sic]. Amendments or additions to the Statutes and Regulations made by the University under the authority of the University of Melbourne Act were until 1867 formulated and approved by the Council, but after the formation of the Senate in 1867 all amendments went through both bodies for approval before presentation to the Governor (first being transcribed on to parchment and sealed in the presence of the Registrar or his representative. In 1892 a reorganization and codification of Statutes and Regulations took place, at which time a system of numbering on the outside of the parchment appears to have been imposed) The first document in this series is signed by Colonel Edward Macarthur, who administered the colony from the death of Hotham (31 December 1855) until the arrival of Barkly (December 1856). University, official