1987.0043 CORRESPONDENCE OF STANLEY J SCOTT AND FRANK P JUST [1963-1974] Creator(s): Scott, Dr Stanley J [-], Just, Dr Frank P [-1974] Correspondence and articles arising from Just's and Scott's opposition to the audio-lingual method of teaching as proposed by structuralists, e.g. Robert Politzer, and to the introduction of an alternative French Higher School Certificate course using this method, 1965-1968. The file contains letters from A.R. Chisholm, Gordon T. Fish (USA), Bill MacBain, R.H. Samuel, Chairmen of the V.U.S.E.B. French Standing Committee Wilga M. Rivers, and E.C. Forsyth and V.U.S.E.B. Secretary T.H. Timpson and Research Officer R.G. Rowlands, J.R. Bainbridge. 5 cm. (one archives box) University, individuals