1991.0080 UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE. DEPARTMENT OF MINING [1913-1939] Creator(s): University Of Melbourne Department Of Mining [-] Essay topics, Final Honours, B. Met.E., 1933; Ore-dressing, Aug. 1934. Reading lists are appended. Copy of letter A.C.D. Rivett, CSIR, to Bainbridge, Registrar, 12 Oct. 1934, outlining proposal to join the the University in developing ore dressing research work in the Metallurgy Department with Professor Greenwood's assistance; Registrar's reply, 15 November 1934. Commonwealth Department of Patents printed Specifications, 1913-1939, 1921-1938, each with a typed summary. The usual applicant is Minerals Separation & DeBavay's Processes Australia. 4 cm. University, official