1983.0040 Papers of Charles Edmund Moorhouse [1931-1973] Creator(s): Moorhouse, Professor Charles Edmund [1911-2002] Practical work reports and drawings executed when Moorhouse was an Engineering student 1931-1933; Electrical Engineering Laboratory manual 1973; "Graduates for what?" papers of conference introduced by Professor Moorhouse as President of the Graduate Careers Council of Australia. Documents relating to Charles Alfred Topp: Degree certificate, Bachelor of Arts at the University of Melbourne, 17 April 1867.(Wax seal present but detached from the parchment and cracked);Degree certificate Bachelor of Laws, 3 April 1869 (Wax seal attached; newscutting, Sun-News Pictorial, 28 May 1923, concerning Topp, "At Seventy-six" still rendering service to his adopted country as a member of the Indeterminate Sentences Board. William Edmund Moorhouse: Degree certificate, Master of Arts, 1 May 1909. 4 archives boxes University, individuals