1983.0117 Papers of Charles Edmund Moorhouse [1939-1975] Creator(s): Moorhouse, Professor Charles Edmund [1911-2002] Articles by Moorhouse: "Designing Electrical Engineers"; "The University Teaching Project of the University of Melbourne"(with Barbara Falk), 1963. Articles by others including "University Teaching: Reality and Change" and "The Assessment of University Teaching", by Barbara Falk and Kwong Lee Dow; and "The Preparation and In Service Training of University Staff". Programme: "Getting the Bird", 7th annual Revue by the Students of the University of Melbourne. May 1939. The Conference of Engineering Societies of Western Europe and the United States of America: Report on education and Training of Professional Engineers. 3 vol. Article by Moorhouse [ from M.U.M.?}, "Student Myth and Legend", illus. Documents realting to Moorhouse's trip to Caracas, Venezuela, 1970 and proposed but postponed trip to the Dominican Republic, 1971.. Articles by Moorhouse and S.A. Prentice: "Residential Schools for Professional Engineers" 1967, and "Power System Schools Adapt to a Changing Technology", 1977. Moorhouse, "The Australian Residenial Schools in Power System Electrical Engineering", 1975. 8 cm. University, individuals