1983.0092 Records of the Youth Hostels Association of Victoria [1946-1968] Creator(s): Youth Hostels Association of Victoria [1939-2012] Permissive occupancy document from Dept. of Lands and Survey for YHA hut site at Taggerty 1950; 2 photographs of portable hostels get- together at Anglesea 1968; ski supplement and Mt Buller hostel accom. and transport ticket for June 1954; correspondence between YHA (Vic) and YHA (NSW) on relations with National Fitness Council, details of expend. and receipts 1951-1949; News Circulars 1946-1949 (incomplete); duplicate copies of "The Hosteller" 1960-1962; brochure on Harold Cumming's "Welcome Inn" at Mt Buller; YHA brochure "Come Outdoors". 1 folder. Community and Political, organisations