2015.0112 STATUTES AND REGULATIONS [1989-1990] Creator(s): University Of Melbourne. Office Of The Registrar [-] The series consists of bound papers bearing the signature of the Governor of Victoria or his representative and the Registrar or his representative to amendments, alterations or additions to the Statutes and Regulations made by the University under its legislative authority. The amendments are formulated and approved by the University Council and the Senate (later Committee of Convocation) before they are transcribed by the Office of the Solicitor and affixed with the University Seal and signed by the Registrar and Governor. The papers record the date of passage through the authorising University entity, the number and title of the Statute or Regulation being altered, each amendment's reference number and the date of the signatures of the Governor and Registrar. With the demise of the Office of the Registrar, the affixing of the University Seal became the responsibility of the Office of the University Secretary. 1 Unit University, official