University of Melbourne Central Records

In 1963, then Vice-Chancellor George Paton established a review of the University's central filing system, to be conducted by a records officer from the Commonwealth Department of Labour and National Service. A main recommendation of the review was the extablishment of Central Registry (qv) which commenced operations in 1967 in response to the identified need for centralised control of vital University correspondence. Initially reporting to the Assistant Registrar Administration, its initiation coincided with the introduction of a classified numbering system for the registration and classification of University documents. In 1973, upon the recommendation of the University Archivist, the Records Services unit was established under the supervision of a Records Management Officer. In 1978, Central Registry became Central Records and was administratively integrated with this unit, though still under the broader control of the Registrar's Department. In 1990, the secretarial and recordkeeping staff of the Registrar's Department were split off and devolved to the newly established Executive Services Unit. Subsequently in 1999, Records Services, including Central Records, Records Management Program and Micrographics became part of the newly created University Secretary's Department.

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