1977.0081 INDEXES 4, 9 AND 10 TO LEGAL DOCUMENTS [1913-1953] Creator(s): Blake & Riggall [-] Three volumes of indexes (Numbers 4, 9 and 10) relating to Blake & Riggall draft legal documents and correspondence acting on instructions received from their clients for the period c.1913-1953. The indexes provide access to three separate sequences of client files, and record the name of the client, names of parties, file number, year, and nature of draft (except index 4). Each volume has a slightly different arrangement which reflects the arrangement of the order of the client files that they control, which are held in a separate series 2015.0047 LEGAL DOCUMENTS, INDEXES 4, 9 AND 10. The entries indicate the date on which a client began instructing lawyers at Blake & Riggall for the preparation of legal documents on their behalf. The index provides access to these draft files through a file number that is recorded for each entry. Entries in these indexes are arranged in alphabetical order by first letter only of the surname or name of the organisation. To identify and order a client file, search the index by the first letter of the client surname or name of client organisation, take note of the file number and then order the box that contains the file number in the corresponding sequence of client files (that is, the files for Index 4, 9 or 10). Searching entries for a particular name may require a search of all the pages for a particular letter of the alphabet. However, listings of client names under each letter are in a rough chronological order, so if it is known on which date the client instructed Blake & Riggall to draft legal documents for them, this may assist in locating the client name and corresponding file number. There are significant chronological overlaps across the three indexes and the three sequences of files to which they provide access, which may mean that a search will need to be conducted across all three indexes to find the relevant client file. Examples of the kinds of client legal documents that can be accessed using these three indexes include: mortgages; sales or transfers of property; binding agreements between parties; wills and probates; and so on. Common Law Index Number 4: The title of this index indicates the legal documents relate to matters that came under common law (also known as case law or precedent) where the body of decisions of previous similar cases in relevant courts binds judges in making future decisions. The one exception to the index’s alphabetical order is the sequence of entries listed under Bank that follow after the letter Z. These entries list a number of bank clients. Although this index originally provided access to more than 10000 files, only numbers 1 to 3992 are in archival custody, and all others have been destroyed according to the note on the cover of this volume. There is however a box of files that is an exception, which contains files 7412 to 7454 that are listed in this index and are in UMA custody. Drafts Index Number 9: Although this index originally provided access to more than 15000 files, only numbers 10374 to 18518 are in archival custody and the remainder have been destroyed according to notes on the cover of this volume. The cover note does however state that files for parts of 1934 and 1935 are extant. The date range for the index spans c.1913-c.1941, however, the majority of the entries span c.1925-c.1939. A remarks column contains cross-referencing information between entries, for instance where a party for a particular entry can also be found as a client in a separate entry elsewhere in the index. Drafts Index Number 10: Unlike Indexes 4 and 9, this index uses a separate file number sequence for each letter of the alphabet, which means that the file number is a combination of an alphabetical letter and sequential number. The exception to the above order in this index is for a number of major clients which appear at the end of alphabetical sequences with their own separate pages of entries. For instance Australian Estates Co Ltd has its own pages of entries at the end of the A section, and Dalgety & Co Ltd at the end of the D section. Each of these also have their own file number sequence. The date range for the index spans c.1917-c.1947, however, the majority of the entries span c.1937-c.1946. A remarks column contains cross-referencing information between entries, for instance where a party for a particular entry can also be found as a client in a separate entry elsewhere in the index. These indexes have now been digitised and can be accessed online. 3 volumes (0.40m) Business, organisations