1972.0048 Papers of Alfred Tennyson Brodney and Maurice Blackburn & Co., second accession [1908-1971] Creator(s): Brodney, Alfred Tennyson [-], Maurice Blackburn & Co. [-] The Victorian Society of Journeymen Brushmakers minutes 1922- 1925; Australian Brushmakers' Union minute book 1925-1928; Royal Commission into the State Coal Mines material 1923-1937; papers regarding property disputes 1935-1944; miscellaneous arbitration material 1939-1965; 40 Hour Wage Case files 1946-1947; Basic Female Wage Case 1948-1951; Federated Clerks' Union arbitration case files 1948-1951; Shop Assistants and Warehouse Employees' Union case files 1957-1960; miscellanous union award decisions 1922-1971; reports 1933-1956; publications 1917-1957. Boxes 1-17 in the attached list are also known as boxes 1427-1442 of the Maurice Blackburn collection Reference Number 1970.0003. Please quote both the 1972.0048 box number and the Maurice Blackburn Co. box number from the list when requesting this material. 17 archives boxes Business, organisations