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Taylor, Jean
Date of birth: 1944
Biography: Born in Melbourne in 1944 and raised in Mildura, Jean Taylor's employment from the age of sixteen included nurse, waitress, tram driver, student welfare officer at LaTrobe University, women's refuge coordinator, circus director and writer. Taylor married in 1962, had three children, and divorced in 1976. She has written numerous novels, plays and poems which have mostly been self-published under the imprint of DykeBooks. A radical feminist activist in the women's liberation movement since joining the Brunswick Consciousness-Raising Group in 1972, Taylor has been involved in the Women's Liberation Centre, Women's Liberation Halfway House, Women's Liberation Switchboard, Women's Building Council, Aboriginal Rights Solidarity Group, Amazon Theatre, Women's Circus, Matrix Guild, Lesbian Cancer Support Group, Purple Parrots. She has been the instigator and coordinator of the Victorian Women's Liberation and Lesbian Feminist Archives. This collection is No. 99 in the Victorian Women's Liberation and Lesbian Feminist Archives
Activities/Occupation: Feminists
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