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Suiter, Wendy
Biography: Wendy Suiter was born on 22 November 1954 in Melbourne. She joined Monash University's Women's Liberation Collective in 1972 and used her actuarial expertise in 1976 to write papers for the Women's Electoral Lobby's superannuation campaign in an attempt to get women equal benefits to men. She was the coordinator at Darwin women's Centre in 1979 and the Darwin Rape Crisis Centre in 1980. She helped establish the Darwin Women's Liberation Centre and was involved in anti-Right to Life campaigns; International Women's Day and Reclaim the Night marches, includintg the first IWD march in Alice Springs in 1987. She established an alternative Rape Crisis Centre in Perth in 1984. In 1998 Suiter joined Lesbians Unlimited and helped organise several annual Lesbian Festivals. By 1995 she was a musician with the Performing Older Women's Circus, eventually becoming Musical Director. She joined the Lesbian Artworks collective to further promote lesbian performance art. This is No. 80 in the Victorian Womens Liberation and Lesbian Feminist Archive.
Activities/Occupation: Feminists
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