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Hoy, Alice
Date of birth: 1893
Date of death: 1976
Biography: Graduating at Melbourne, B.A. 1914, Dip.Ed. 1915, M.A. 1916 Alice Hoy was appointed to the University High School (a practising school for trainee teachers) in 1915. In 1924 she taught Method of History at the Melbourne Teachers' College and was from 1926- 1957 part-time Senior Lecturer in Education in the University, though transferred from the College to the staff of the University High School as an economy measure in 1933. However, she remained chiefly engaged in University work. When a Secondary Teachers' College was established in 1950, she became its first Principal. She retired from the University and the College in February 1958. She was a foundation member of the Monash University Council 1958-1971, and of the Australian College of Education, 1959-1971, and was a council member of the University Women's College, 1936-1964. Her "Civics for Australian Schools" ran to many editions, and she published a history of University High School, A City Built to Music, in 1961.
Activities/Occupation: Academics - Education
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