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1986.0053 [Papers of Ethel McLennan]
Date Range of Records: 1922-1927
- McLennan, Ethel [-]
Three notebooks containing handwritten notes (1922-23) on Mycorrhiza including Notes from Etudes sur les Mycorhizes Endotrophes by I. Galland, 1905; with reprint on the same subject [by Werner Magnus?]. Notes taken in London 1925 of lectures of Professor Tabor (South Kensington) 26 October-15 December 1925; and Professor Brown 2 November-14 December 1925. Additions to Cooke's "Handbook of Australian Fungi" (foolscap volume). Contains unlabelled photographs of fungi at pp.27-8, 67-8
6 cms.
Collection Category: University, individuals
Access Conditions: Access: Open
Finding Aids: Yes Listed ONLINE
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